This week we have been focusing on reading, our story of the week has been The paper doll, we have made some paper dolls.
Also this week we have been doing a number of reading activities as the childrens next steps, listening with interest to the noises adults make and repeating them, knowing that print has a meaning and reading from left to right. We have also been continuing to go out for walks to see the new building development. The children have been making predictions about what they might see or hear. Welcome back and happy new year to you all.
This week we have been focusing on numbers, planned activities include matching numbers and looking for numbers in our environment. We have also been talking lots about Christmas and our presents that we received. Our outside area has been re vamped this week, taking out old planters and replacing them with tyres to plant in and to use as role play areas, the children loved helping us to tidy and sort, we found a mouse nest that the children were very interested in. Please remember to ensure that all personal details are correct and that you check your childs drawer daily. This week we have been exploring colour using powder paint, the children have been playing with a variety of items to paint with including conkers, leaves, sticks etc.
We have been using the Ipad to find out information. We have been discovering musical instruments and using these at quiet time, we have been practicing our Christmas play and songs- Has your child been singing these at home? Next week we will be walking to goslings to find Christmas items, please let us know if you are able to help, please let us know if you did not receive the email. Please ensure you are checking your child's draw daily. Welcome back we hope you had a good half term, this week we have talked about fireworks, the children have been making firework pictures using paint and glitter.
At PE time we have been pretending to be fireworks, thinking about the sounds and movements they make. Using the ipad we found videos of fireworks, we danced and counted up to 10 and down from 10. Outside we have been exploring crates to stack and build, during the rainy days we used the puddles to jump in and added ducks and boats. Some of us collected leaves from outside and used them to make pictures using glue and scissors. We have introduced our Christmas songs and introduced our Christmas play. This week we have explored scented play dough using leaves twigs and stones, some of us made cakes with it too.
We have encouraging the childrens vocabulary and extending it by giving the children new words, we have used puppets to talk about feelings and behaviour. the children were introduced to our new puppet Sunny This week we have been focusing on encouraging the childrens listening and attention, we used trains to hide and asked the children to describe where they were using positional language.
We created Mosaics following a pattern and also played a sound lotto game using animal noises. Outside we have been busy in our mud kitchen mixing water and top soil to make creations. Our story has been the hungry caterpillar we have acted out building a cocoon around our selves, the children made up their own songs about butterflies and sang in front of the group. This week the children have been exploring their own self, we have done this in various ways including using mirrors to draw self portraits, we talked about similarities and differences between us all.
We focused on shape, space and measure to make a height chart, the children lined up to see who was the tallest. On the craft table we have been choosing items of interest to make a collage using the Argos catalogue. Our story this week has been Jack and the beanstalk, we have used puppets and props to support our story telling. Welcome back to Twinkletoes preschool!
This week we will be focussing on settling in our new starters, our theme for the week is making relationships therefore we will be discussing relationships and developing new friendships between the children. It is important that all of your personal details are up to date, including phone numbers and email addresses. If you have any issues or queries about fees or the sessions your children are booked in for please speak to Sara or Julie. We have been very busy this week getting ready for the Trimley Carnival! The carnival is tomorrow and any help will be appreciated, we will be at Trimley Dock Club in the morning dressing our float! :)
Next Week is the last week, we have stay and play day on Wednesday 15th 9.30-12.00, Graduation ceremony is Thursday 16th at 11.30am and our last day is Friday 17th! |
Sara NadeleHi I am the Manager of Twinkletoes Pre-school Ltd, which runs TSM Out of School Clubs including the Holiday Club. I use this blog to update all the website users on our exciting events that happen through out the year. Archives
January 2018
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